Fast Browser Cleaner

Fast Browser Cleaner erases traces of your activities in the Internet.


Fast Browser Cleaner erases traces left behind by your activities on the Internet. Besides, you can use it to delete browser add-ons and extensions as well as cookies.

Moreover, it allows you to change the start page and the default search engine.

If I had to choose one word to describe this tool, it would be “simplicity”. With a click of your mouse, the program can start scanning and provide you with a comprehensive list of items you could be willing to delete. Fortunately, the scan results are shown in different tabs corresponding to four major browsers, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Opera. Then from the lists, you can pick what to delete. Also, in case the specific browser allows it, you can clean passwords and credit cards as well. Furthermore, if you don´t want to worry about this type of cleaning anymore, you can schedule this application to perform scans on a regular basis.

I wouldn´t complain about Fast Browser Cleaner if it were a free utility. But asking money for a program doing something I can get elsewhere is too much. The truth is that most system optimizers can scan browser data and eliminate them, and some of them are free. Fast Browser Cleaner, on the contrary, shows nag screens whenever you ask it to do its job.


  • It is very easy to use
  • It has a nice interface
  • It allows scheduling tasks


  • It does a very specific task
  • It shows nag screen all the time
  • There are some nag screen in the interface
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